Valuation of Contribution of Ecosystem Services of the Ikh Nart Natural Reserve to Sectoral Economic Development

Valuation of Contribution of Ecosystem Services of the Ikh Nart Natural Reserve to Sectoral Economic Development

August 10, 2015

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) sponsored GEF Project "Strengthening of the Protected Areas Network of Mongolia (SPAN)" (2010-2015) is providing support to the Ministry of Environment, Green Development and Tourism. The objective of the project is to catalyze the management effectiveness and financial sustainability of Mongolia's protected areas system. The project has three major outcomes that will contribute to achieve its objective: (1) Strengthened national policy, legal and institutional frameworks for sustainable management and financing of the national PA system; (2) Institutional and staff capacity and arrangements are in place to effectively manage and govern the national PA system; and (3) Sustainable financing mechanisms and innovative collaboration approaches demonstrated at demonstration sites, increasing funds and effective strategies for PA management.

In order to achieve the overall project objective, and particularly to mobilize political will to expand financial support to the Mongolian Network of Protected Areas (MNPAS), an economic valuation of the contribution of the MNPAs to the economy has been deemed necessary. This valuation includes a site level report on the Ikh Nart Nature Reserve (INNR). This report is an integrated part of the above-indicated UNDP'S SPAN Project, and focuses on the INNR.

Its objective is to analyze selected productive sector and determine the gains or losses of undertaking productive activities by comparing "poor" with "sound" protected area's ecosystem management practices. It is expected that this report will assist government officials and the private sector to incorporate ecosystems' management policy into PA investment, economic planning, corporate business plans, and investment policies at sectoral level. It is also expected that the input of this report will provide economic and social arguments to help MEGD to mobilize political will to increase financial support the MNPAs' management plans and financial strategies.